“Let your hopes,
not your hurts,
shape your future.”

-Robert Schuler

Our mission

Our purpose is to provide helpful resources to single moms, by offering biannual workshops & weekly mastermind group meetings that offer support, accountability, and rock solid principles to help them move forward in meeting their goals of a successful and happy life.

The Single Mom Mindset Development group grew from a desire to help families. There was no specific agenda, just a desire to provide support. John Harr Sr., his family, and a few friends met on two separate occasions at the Harr Family Ranch located in the mountains between Koosharem and Loa, Utah. They discussed possible plans for implementing a program that would focus on 5 topics: Emotional Support/Self-Care, Help with raising children, Finance, Time Management/Goal Setting and Community Involvement. During these discussions the focus shifted from families to Single Mother's.

A complimentary retreat at the Harr Family Ranch in October 2020 allowed participants the opportunity to meet with the board members to focus on the itinerary. Weekly Mastermind groups were implemented, as were accountability and minimum standards to ensure success of the program. The goal was to use time-tested patterns of success to help single mother's not just to survive but to thrive! 

Subsequent single mother's retreats were held in June 2021 and June 2022, at the Harr Family Ranch. Future single mother retreats are currently being planned. It is safe to say that Board Members of The Single Mom Mindset Development Group are not just interested in the growth and success of single mother's, rather, they are totally committed to this goal.

Our impact

“It was an extremely heart-felt, eye-opening, informative, and rewarding retreat. I felt totally safe, welcome, and appreciated in the group. Overall, I have only positive things to say about this retreat. I felt extremely grateful to have been a part of it, and look forward to returning.”

- Sammie

“The retreat provided seminars that taught valuable skills and tips that allowed me to connect with amazing people who were going through similar situations as mine. The relationships I cultivated there will never be forgotten.”

- Alyssa

“My life has had a complete turnaround. They have reached out and helped in so many ways outside of the Retreat at the Ranch. I’m so grateful for this retreat.”

- Myriah

Whether you want to volunteer, donate, or apply to join the program—we want to hear from you! Enter your contact information & we will respond shortly.

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